Family Film Event: A review of Arthur Christmas

Another great turn out to our family film event at WERFA in December where we screened Arthur Christmas for a bit of festive fun. With the warming scents of hot spiced apple, homemade gingerbread biscuits, mince pies, fresh popcorn and chocolate ice-cream – we certainly provided some Christmas spirit!

Even Father Christmas himself popped in during the film to drop off some surprise presents which added an extra touch of Christmas magic.

Local resident Cathy Johnston writes:

Having been to the two previous screenings organised at the WERFA community hall, I was delighted to see that a festive film was being shown just before Christmas.  My two kids, 5 and almost 3 were very excited and we arranged to go with some friends.  Just like the previous two, everything was well organised: we were able to book our places in advance at a very reasonable price and refreshments including hot drinks, popcorn and even mince pies were available.  The choice of film could not have been better and I’m not lying when I say that Arthur Christmas is now my all-time favourite Christmas film! Oh, and the kids absolutely loved it too and we’ve all watched it twice since at home!!  The fact that Father Christmas himself made a guest appearance during the interval only added to the festive fun, and each child was even given a little gift.  Overall, a fantastic event and we can’t wait for the next!  

Our next family film showing is currently being planned so please do keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for future updates.

Stephen Moss – Bird Man flies back to WERFA

Stephen delighted a packed audience on his return visit to WERFA on 23 November. He showed favourite clips from his many BBC TV series as a way to highlight stories about our amazing variety of British birds and how our nation’s special interest in and love for them connects us with the natural world.

Stephen showed us coast and garden, farmland and fen with an emphasis on how people and new activities play a part in helping or harming the birds.

However there are still many mysteries about how and why some bird behaviour occurs. A clip of starlings massing and moving in a huge flock was a particularly remarkable and moving case.

Stephen’s talk was both fascinating and humorous and he dealt with a range of questions from enthusiasts young and old.

In answer to one question Stephen suggests we feed our local birds in cold weather and the spring breeding season while letting the birds find their own supplies in the abundant time of late summer (and maybe in the process helping us with pest insects in the garden).

We went away marvelling at the stories about British birds and with renewed enthusiasm for bird watching at home or further afield. With the winter option of staying warm and reading one of Stephen’s beautiful books!