Return of the Red Kite – Evening talk Friday 2 June

50 years ago red kites were almost extinct in the UK due to persecution but thanks to conservation measures by the RSPB and volunteers they can now be seen right across the country and on a daily basis over and around Isleworth.

At this exclusive event, Keith will give an illustrated talk about their reintroduction and how they were protected by law in Elizabethan times.

Father Christmas

Father Christmas will be delivering on the Woodlands Estate as usual on Christmas Eve. As usual we are asking parents to provide a small present themselves and there will also be a small charge of £2 per present delivered to help Father Christmas maintain his sleigh. The presents should be wrapped and clearly marked with the child’s name and address, and delivered to 69 Woodland Gardens with the fee by 23rd December.

Bake On – and more!

A family Baking Competition with Afternoon Tea in the Pavilion will take place later in the summer/autumn. Look out for the competition date and recipes in future newsletters!

(provisional date Sunday 30 September).  With perhaps a revival of some other traditional ‘Flower Show’ activities.

We have had too much on for a big event in the Park this year but hope, with enough helpers, to hold an outdoor summer event next year.

WERFA Data Protection Policy

WERFA will hold the names and addresses of all members of the Residents Association and the amount paid to be a member.  Members must accept that this information will be held in order to become a member.

This data will be only be used to confirm membership of the Association, to record participation in the WERFAGO lottery, and claim GiftAid, where this has been authorised by individual members.  It will not be passed to any other third party without the expressed consent of the individual concerned.
This policy will be published annually in our Newsletter prior to membership renewal.

WERFA Annual General Meeting

The AGM of the Association will be held on Wednesday 18th April at 7.30pm in the Pavilion. Any items for discussion should be put in writing and given to the Hon Secretary, 69 Woodland Gdns by April 5th. The Social Club AGM will take place afterwards. This year we will welcome members with a glass of wine or soft drink and a snack.

About  WERFA

If you are seeing WERFA News for the first time it’s because you are in the WERFA membership area but haven’t yet joined.

As a member you can see info about events in the park and the Pavilion in this and future newsletters

WERFA is special because we have a private park and sports facilities. These are maintained by volunteer effort and fundraising, not by Hounslow Council.  There is no public right of way over the park but allowing reasonable access has worked for everyone so far.

WERFA was founded in the 1930s by the first residents of Woodland Gardens who united to buy the land to protect it for future generations.

We now all benefit from the facilities, open space and sense of community – perhaps being the nearest thing to a village in the suburbs.  We have representatives in Council-led and other local organisations.

As a member you get a vote at the AGM on plans for the coming year. There are two committees – one for the serious stuff and one for the Social Club which organises the fun events (all ideas welcome).

All contributions help us to maintain our unique place.  Be a member, enter WERFAGO, come to events, maybe join a working party. Many hands make light work and many friends!

WERFA Newsletter – Is this the End?

For just over a year I have been producing the paper version WERFA Newsletter, but unfortunately, due to various commitments this is something I am no longer able to continue to do.  If there are no volunteers to take this on, we will have to end the production of the Newsletter.

I would like to ask if anyone would like to help me with the paper version of the newsletter production – If so, please contact me via email at: