♦ The Ward Boundaries review consultation starts in January; anyone can submit a map of their proposals
♦ Consultation also starts in January on possible ways Heathrow can organise the flight paths of aircraft in future -with two or three runways. In either case there will be more planes and we are likely to lose some hours of respite.
♦ Plans for change of use of The George pub in South Street to a religious centre will be on display on 4 December 6.30 to 8.30pm at Isleworth Public Hall
♦Other consultations can be found at https://haveyoursay.hounslow.gov.uk/ including
Vehicle anti-idling action -closes 7/12/18
Transport Strategy local implementation plan – closes 2/1/19
♦TfL proposes changes to bus routes including H37 where changes benefit Richmond and Twickenham but reduce frequency in Isleworth. https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/buses/bus-changes-richmond/ Closes 11/12/18