Fly tipping on the WERFA Estate

We have had a recent issue with fly tipping on the estate, with a large amount of rubbish dumped around the Pavilion car park.

If you see anyone fly tipping record as much detail as possible and report the activity immediately to the local council. All information is valuable to the council and will be treated confidentially.

If you can also take photos please do so.

Important details to record are:

  • The date and time that you saw the fly tippers in action or discovered the rubbish
  • The location of the incident – either the address or local landmarks
  • A description of the rubbish eg builders rubble
  • The amount of people you saw and if you recognised any of them
  • A description of the people you saw (eg sex, hair colour, height, distinguishing features)
  • What you actually saw the people do
  • If there was a vehicle involved, and if there was, there any distinguishing features or signs on the vehicle and what was the make, model, colour and registration number
  • Where you were when you saw the fly tipping. What kind of view did you have? How far away were you, and what were the weather and light conditions line?

The Environment Agency has the statutory responsibility to investigate fly tipping incidences on  larger scale  where the waste may pose a serious risk to the environment and where the activity is linked to organised crime.

Remember, do not approach any individuals and do not put yourself in any danger.

If you see anyone fly tipping please go online to Hounslow Highways ( or call them on 020 8583 2000 to report it.